Check out our new website! isupport.org.au!  

We chose Intersex Peer Support Australia (IPSA) as a new name because we have always provided peer support, information, and advocacy for lots of different intersex variations, not just AIS. Our new name reflects who we are and what we do. IPSA continues to be there for people with AIS and their families and remains Australia's principle peer-led support group. 

This website is no longer being updated and may contain information, resources, and opinions that are out of date. IPSA will continue to archive this site for historical purposes and in case you have been directed here from another website.

Since 1985, the Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) Support Group Australia Inc. (A0041398U) - now Intersex Peer Support Australia - is a peer support, information and advocacy group for people affected by AIS and/or related intersex variations and variations of sex characteristics, and their families. (Note that intersex is also known as a Disorder of Sex Development or DSD).

We support members (both in Australia and overseas) that have any grade of Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, and support any issues relevant to living with AIS. These issues include infertility, disclosure, hormone therapy, gender identity, surgical intervention of children with intersex variations, sexual intimacy, etc. (The previous name for AIS was Testicular Feminisation Syndrome).

We also provide support to those with related intersex variations including Partial and Complete / Gonadal Dysgenesis, MRKH (also known as Vaginal Agenesis), 5a-Reductase Deficiency, 3b-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Deficiency, 17-Ketosteroid Reductase Deficiency and 17b-Hydroxysteroid Deficiency.

We acknowledge that people with intersex variations (including AIS) range from female to male and anywhere in between.

The AISSG Australia believes in a holistic model of health as per the World Health Organisation definition of 'health':

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity".

We welcome you to our site, and hope you will contact us.

Become a member of the AISSG Australia now!

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Copyright Notice: Copyright in all of the materials on this website is owned by the AIS Support Group Australia Inc. unless otherwise indicated. Unless otherwise stated, the AIS Support Group Australia Inc. authorises copying of any material published by the AIS Support Group Australia Inc. placed on this website for non-commercial use only, provided that any copied material from the website retains all copyright or other proprietary notices, contact details of the AISSGA and any disclaimer contained thereon. Personal biographies are not to be copied or distributed without the prior permission of the AISSGA.

Trademark Notice: The AIS Support Group Australia logo and artwork is the property of the AIS Support Group Australia Inc.

Disclaimer Notice: The content of the AIS Support Group Australia Inc. website is provided for information purposes only. The AIS Support Group Australia Inc. makes no claim as to the accuracy of the content contained in the website. The AIS Support Group Australia Inc. makes no representation as the accuracy or any other aspect of the information contained on servers linked to the website via hyperlinks from the AIS Support Group Australia Inc. This information is provided on the basis that all persons accessing the website undertake the responsibility for assessing the accuracy of its content and that they rely on it entirely at their own risk.

Last update: 18 April, 2019

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